Social exclusion of older persons: a scoping review and conceptual framework | SpringerLink

As a concept, social exclusion has considerable potential to explain and respond to disadvantage in later life. However, in the context of ageing populatio
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The retirement downsizing myth: No, seniors aren’t moving in droves — and that will affect the housing market | Financial Post

The retirement downsizing myth: No, seniors aren’t moving in droves — and that will affect the housing market | Financial Post
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My Grade 8 teacher said I had no useful skills (as a girl). Somehow I made it to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada | The Star

My Grade 8 teacher said I had no useful skills (as a girl). Somehow I made it to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada | The Star
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How to Make Money in Retirement: 14 Real Ways to Boost Income

Retirement & New Relationships — retirementtransition by Pat Doyle

Following my last post on finding a new herd, I thought I’d look back on one of the biggest changes I’ve experienced in my transition into retirement – relationship connections. Even 3 years into retirement this continues to be a personal challenge. While I was working, I interacted with a lot of people every day. […]

via Retirement & New Relationships — retirementtransition